Contact Us
Mary Ellen & Austin Chadd
191 Fowler Rd.
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107
Ph. (207) 799-4784
Location of Farm Fields:
Across the street from 317 Fowler Rd. in Cape Elizabeth, Maine (this is not our mailing address)
We welcome correspondence and visits to the farm. If you’d like to visit, please contact us a day or more in advance.
Directions to the Farm from downtown Cape Elizabeth:
Follow Route 77 South; pass the high school on your right. After the high school, turn right at the next intersection onto Fowler Rd. Head 1.5 miles to the other end of Fowler Rd. See a yellow fire hydrant on the left next to the dirt driveway and our Green Spark Farm sign. We are directly across the street from mailbox #317 Fowler Rd.
To contact us, please fill out this form. Your information will not be shared with anyone. Thank you for visiting!
We would like to thank the many photographers who contributed images for this website, including Dennis Sheehy, Paul Gagne, Samantha Rocray, Noami Brautigam, David Merritt, and Lynn Byczynski.
Web site design and maintenance by Geoff Hansen